Saturday 25 February 2012

Artistic Flair

I have always loved the outdoor life, pottering around my garden and other peoples too. Growing flowers for the house and exhibitions. I have acquired a passion for flowers for the home and the garden.

Whilst in the borders I had been asked to do some floral arrangements for a lady who opened her gardens to the public to raise money for "Save the Children" Charity. On various occasions I was asked to make arrangement in certain rooms within her large house built in around 1725. The house was lovely standing within its own grounds looking down along the haugh by the river Leader. The lady of the house would ask me to help myself to any of the flowers from her gardens and use any containers that appealed to me around the house.  On one particular visit I found a set of antlers sitting on top of a high ended cupboard. Once I lifted it down my mind was full of ideas. I gently fixed oasis and tied it firmly with some tape. I collected my materials from the gardens and the outcome was something quite spectacular and admired by everyone. From then on I was asked each year or when ever there were parties/function to make up arrangements. The materials for making arrangements were wonderful as were her gardens.  I helped with the family weddings and preparations for garden openings..

My arty flair took me onto taking courses in the local college and a job working for a florist within the town of Melrose, where I worked for three and a half years.  I had a break from shop work but continued to do some private weddings of my friends. A few years later I was offered a position to work in a large corporate company in Edinburgh..  I gained a great deal of experience through working in large hotels through out Edinburgh and the Lothian's as well as general shop work, Arranging and designing weddings, funeral's and general sales work.

In 2009 I opened an online florist and gift shop.which you can visit by clicking the link to my website

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